Our committees are open to everyone to join.
- Michelle Dong, president
- Rainer Reczek and Sanjit Shirol, vice presidents
- Ayush Gopal, secretary
- Xing Liu, treasurer
- Nico Rowland, general meetings
- Smridhi Mahajan, outreach chair
- Nadia Sun, socials chair
- Kaelani Adcock and Everett Anderson, competitions chairs
- Ayush Guha and Meghana Subramanium, projects chairs
- Abby Schleigh and Aditi Anand, equity and inclusion chairs
- Drey Crockett & Keshav Deoskar, seminars chairs
- Kai Suwandi, Ro’aa Alkhawaja, Persephone Choi, and Meghan Ke, media chairs
- Kevin Hernandez, Josh Zhang, and Shrey Goel, grillmasters
- Hugo Bale and Sean Xu, webmasters
- Troy Tsubota, Kenneth Ng, Adarsh Iyer, Thien Kim Le, and Brandon Park, senior advisors